Wednesday 20 September 2017

Buddhist temple

In room 19 we had to write a story about the 3 gs we learnt at the buddies temple then we had to send it there I won a prize and got a statue and a book it was really fun and we learnt lots of thing there.

Speech 2017

Walt: Deliberately chose words to create an effect on the audience.

The year 6 and 5 had to say there speech in front of there class and vote for the person that you think should make it to the finals. Then if you make it you have to say it in front of everyone in the year 6 and 5 and Mrs Plowright and Mr Borcher would judge to see the person that's going to the finals then you say it in front of the different schools around the world. 

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Decimal addition

Walt: Use a variety of strategies to solve addition problems that involve decimal number.

For the mental strategies I was able to convert decimal numbers into fractions by looking at the place value they where in and for the written strategies I was able to keep all the numbers and decimal point in line to make it easy to add all together.  

Next time I will expand my numbers for the written strategies. 



Walt:Using  the internet to locate and select and evaluate the text for specific information including internet sources.

Reflection :
In room 19 we are listening to a story called patina and some on in the story has diabetes and we had to search up some facts of diabetes and put it on a slide show.